
Observations on the age at first breeding of West African Dwarf Sheep at the University of Ibadan. Nigeria showed that the optimal age and weight at 1st breeding of young ewes was not less than eleven months and at least 13kg respectively When mated earlier, the incidence of abortion in­creased and lambs tended to the smaller at birth. In ewes mated at older ages the lengthening of the generation internal was unacceptable. The relalionuship between weight (4 ) and age (X) from four to 56 weeks was estitnated as: Y (kg) = 3.12 + 9.62 x — 0.02 x 2 + 0.0002 x 3 for singles. or Y =2.59 + 0.46 x = 0.01 x2 + 0.0001 x 3 for Mins.

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