
The binary Hamming codes with parameters $[{2^{m}-1, 2^{m}-1-m, 3}]$ are perfect. Their extended codes have parameters $[{2^{m}, 2^{m}-1-m, 4}]$ and are distance-optimal. The first objective of this paper is to construct a class of binary linear codes with parameters $[{2^{m+s}+2^{s}-2^{m},2^{m+s}+2^{s}-2^{m}-2m-2,4}]$ , which have better information rates than the class of extended binary Hamming codes, and are also distance-optimal. The second objective is to construct a class of distance-optimal binary codes with parameters $[{2^{m}+2, 2^{m}-2m, 6}]$ . Both classes of binary linear codes have new parameters.

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