
All-to-all broadcast is an interesting special case of the packet transmission scheduling in which every pair of nodes has exactly one packet to be transferred. This paper considers the all-to-all broadcast problem in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical star network with some breakdown or power-off transceivers. For reaching high data transmission rates, we will focus the problem on the all-optical scheduling where the traffic reaches its destination in single-hop without being converted to electronic form. Each transmitter is tunable with an associated tuning delay and each receiver is fixed-tuned to one of available wavelengths. In this model, we study two kinds of all-to-all broadcast problems depending on whether each node transmits packets to all nodes including or except itself. We identify the lower bound of the scheduling length for each kind of problems and propose single-hop scheduling algorithms to find the optimal solution in both terms of arbitrary number of wavelengths and value of tuning latency.

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