
We report on measurements of optically induced gate voltage spectroscopy in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a high mobility 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a thin (55 nm) GaAs layer. The optically induced gate voltage between the front gate and the 2DEG is sensitive to excess electron concentrations below 10 7 cm −2. In the gate voltage spectrum we observe a peak below the bandgap energy of GaAs, which is not observed in the photocurrent, luminescence or excitation spectra. Due to the extremely high sensitivity of this technique we attribute this below bandgap signal to very weak absorption lines below the GaAs bandgap energy by impurity bands or defect absorption. The fall-off of the below bandgap signal varies as exp (hω/ E 0), where E 0 is an indicative for the quality of the heterostructure.

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