
Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) has been performed on Si-doped GaN homoepitaxial layers grown by organometallic chemical vapor deposition on free-standing GaN templates. In addition to intense excitonic bandedge emission with narrow linewidths $(<0.4\mathrm{meV}),$ these films exhibit strong shallow donor--shallow acceptor recombination at 3.27 eV. Most notably, ODMR on this photoluminescence band reveals a highly anisotropic resonance with ${g}_{\ensuremath{\parallel}}=2.193\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.001$ and ${g}_{\ensuremath{\perp}}\ensuremath{\sim}0$ as expected for effective-mass shallow acceptors in wurtzitic GaN from k\ensuremath{\cdot}p theory. This previously elusive result is attributed to the much reduced dislocation density and impurity levels compared to those typically found in the widely investigated Mg-doped GaN heteroepitaxial layers. The possible chemical origin of the shallow acceptors in these homoepitaxial films will be discussed.

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