
Recently, some authors have proposed to add an optical Kerr effect (OKE) while focusing the Gaussian beam (GB) enlightening an optical trap. These authors conclude that the introduction of a nonlinear lensing (NL) is benefit to the optical trapping capacity. The proposed modelling was based on the Gaussian approximation (GA) which assimilates the Kerr lensing effect to a pure lensing effect free from any aberration. In this paper, we evaluate the longitudinal and radial figures of merit of the optical trap based on NL using a diffraction integral taking into account the aberration associated with the OKE. The conclusion is that the GA modelling underestimates (overestimates) the improving of the longitudinal (radial) trapping ability of the optical trap. In summary, what is gained in the longitudinal efficiency of the nonlinear trap is lost in the radial force which decreases, thereby reducing the possibility to keep trapped the particle.

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