
An exciton-polariton condensate is a hybrid light-matter state in the quantum fluid phase. The photonic component endows it with characters of spin, as represented by circular polarization. Spin-polarization can form stochastically for quasi-equilibrium exciton-polariton condensates at parallel momentum vector k|| ∼ 0 from bifurcation or deterministically for propagating condensates at k|| > 0 from the optical spin-Hall effect (OSHE). Here, we report deterministic spin-polarization in exciton-polariton condensates at k|| ∼ 0 in microcavities containing methylammonium lead bromide perovskite (CH3NH3PbBr3) single crystals under non-resonant and linearly polarized excitation. We observe two energetically split condensates with opposite circular polarizations and attribute this observation to the presence of strong birefringence, which introduces a large OSHE at k|| ∼ 0 and pins the condensates in a particular spin state. Such spin-polarized exciton-polariton condensates may serve not only as circularly polarized laser sources but also as effective alternatives to ultracold atom Bose-Einstein condensates in quantum simulators of many-body spin-orbit coupling processes.

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