
The transmission and reflection properties of a homogeneous anisotropic uniaxial layer are discussed. The layer may be transparent or absorbing. Analytic expressions are given for the elements of a 4*4 mode matrix M characterizing such a layer, for any angle of incidence and for arbitrary orientation of the optic axis. The reflection and transmission amplitudes are given in terms of elements of a layer matrix L=MPM-1, where the diagonal phase matrix P has as elements the phase factors for the ordinary and extraordinary waves as they traverse the layer in the forward and backward directions. Analytic expressions for the reflection and transmission amplitudes are given explicitly for the case when the optic axis of the layer lies in the plane of incidence, when the layer is thin, and when the layer anisotropy is weak. Application is made to anisotropic antireflection coatings, and to the modelling of slightly rough surfaces by anisotropic layers.

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