
We report an optical probe based on a single double-clad fiber (DCF), which is suitable for fluorescence spectroscopy. The excitation light is delivered through the small diameter core of the DCF and the excited fluorescence light is collected by the large diameter inner cladding of the same fiber. To retrieve the signal beam from the inner cladding, we utilize a DCF coupler that couples only the light beams in the inner claddings of two different pieces of DCF. It was found that the separation of the channel for the excited beam from the channel for the excitation beam in the same piece of fiber could diminish the autofluorescence background noise generated by the fiber itself, while maintaining all the benefits of a single-fiber probe system. The usefulness of the DCF probe and the performance of the DCF coupler are then reported by presenting the fluorescence spectrum of a fresh gingko leaf and comparing it with the spectrum taken with conventional methods. The fabrication process of the DCF fiber and the inner cladding mode coupler for it are also presented.

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