
One-way quantum computing requires an entangled multiqubit system. So-called cluster states have been proposed to provide this resource, but they are difficult to generate. An alternative that uses the ground state of a one-dimensional chain of spins is now experimentally realized and used to construct a quantum logic gate. One-way quantum computation proceeds by sequentially measuring individual spins in an entangled many-spin resource state1. It remains a challenge, however, to efficiently produce such resources. Is it possible to reduce the task of their production to simply cooling a quantum many-body system to its ground state? Cluster states, the canonical resource for one-way quantum computing, do not naturally occur as ground states of physical systems2,3, leading to a significant effort to identify alternatives that do appear as ground states in spin lattices 4,5,6,7,8. An appealing candidate is a valence-bond-solid state described by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb and Tasaki9 (AKLT). It is the unique, gapped ground state for a two-body Hamiltonian on a spin-1 chain, and can be used as a resource for one-way quantum computing 4,5,6,7. Here, we experimentally generate a photonic AKLT state and use it to implement single-qubit quantum logic gates.

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