
As the bit rates of routed data streams exceed the throughput of single wavelength-division multiplexing channels, spectral and spatial traffic aggregation become essential for optical network scaling. These aggregation techniques reduce network routing complexity by increasing spectral efficiency to decrease the number of fibers, and by increasing switching granularity to decrease the number of switching components. Spectral aggregation yields a modest decrease in the number of fibers but a substantial decrease in the number of switching components. Spatial aggregation yields a substantial decrease in both the number of fibers and the number of switching components. To quantify routing complexity reduction, we analyze the number of multi-cast and wavelength-selective switches required in a colorless, directionless and contentionless reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer architecture. Traffic aggregation has two potential drawbacks: reduced routing power and increased switching component size.


  • Optical fiber networks are the interconnection fabric of the global Internet

  • We focus on a “route-and-select” reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) architecture, as shown in Fig. 6, which is colorless, directionless and contentionless [11]

  • Spectral aggregation yields a modest decrease in the number of fibers and spatial aggregation reduces the number of fibers in inverse proportion to the spatial aggregation factor

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Optical fiber networks are the interconnection fabric of the global Internet. To sustain robust growth of information technologies, maintaining a low networking cost per bit is essential. Modern optical networks have mesh architectures formed by nodes that transmit, receive and route data, which are interconnected by links [2]. Optical networks have reached a point that the bit rates of individual routed data streams exceed the throughput of single WDM channels. Spectral superchannels have been studied widely [6,7,8,9], and their benefits for high-throughput transmission [9], system component integration [10], and reduction in the number of switching components [11] have been demonstrated. Considering the link level, we show how these types of superchannels can reduce the number of fibers required for high-throughput transmission. We describe networking principles for these types of superchannels, and quantify how they can reduce the number of switching components required for high-throughput networking. We describe potential drawbacks of spectral and spatial superchannels, such as reduced routing power

Transmission of aggregated traffic
Spectral aggregation
F R s v F v v Rs
Spatial aggregation
Fibers per link
Superchannel networking principles
ROADM architecture
Switching components per node
Routing power
Switch implementation
Optical amplification
Fiber nonlinearity
Transceiver integration
Signal processing complexity
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