
In this paper, we show a practical technique to produce a great octupledfrequency optical Millimeter-Wave (MMW) signal utilizing two Mach-Zehnder modulators associated in course. A Continuous Wave (CW) Laser, two LiNb Mach-Zehnder Modulators(MZM) and a PIN Photodiode are utilized in the MMW signal age A careful change of Direct Current (DC) inclination, tweak index(MI) and the presentation of a 90° stage move between the 2 fell stages guarantees the age of recurrence octupled MMW signal.80 GHz RF signal is produced from a 10 GHz RF Local Oscillator (LO) with a most extreme reachable with Optical Sideband Suppression Ratio (OSSR) of 57 dB and a Radio Frequency Spurious Suppression Ratio (RFSSR) of beyond what 42 dB can be gotten. An optical bearer is tweaked, and unadulterated ±fourth-request sidebands are produced. The whole connection is reproduced utilizing Optisystem Software.

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