
Ten intestinal mucosa of sheep intestine were obtained for cross and microscopy examination, the specimens from those intestinal wall were taken at pieces half cm and washed well by running water, then processed by histological technique according to Bancoft & Steven 1987 including fixation, dehydration, clearing and embedding with paraffin wax also sectioning at six micrometer by microtome, finally stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin after that mounted with D. P. X and after drying in dry cabinet for 24 hour examined by light microscope , The intestinal wall was congested and patches of blood hemorrhage were seen. The histological examination revealed to sloughing of the intestinal villi from the luminal surface with presence of hyper secretion of mucus from the goblet cells and intestinal glands in the lamina properia also infiltration of white blood cells in the lamina properia in between the intestinal glands. In conclusion; the intestinal wall was damages after infection with Tape worm due to its effect on the villi of mucosa which are vital structures for absorption of nutritional elements in a animals.

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