
Laser imaging set-ups permit characterization of the vectorial nature of the optical wave which is transmitted by a medium or reflected by a target, from polarimetric formalisms such as Jones or Stokes - Mueller calculi. When the Mueller matrix of targets (or media) is experimentally determined, information about the polarizing and depolarizing properties can be obtained from a Mueller - Jones matrix, which operation requires knowledge of the experimental uncertainties in the elements of . We will discuss the possibility of a polar decomposition of the extracted Mueller - Jones matrix. We then obtain the product of a Hermitian matrix and a unitary matrix, which can be associated with it, for a polarization transformer, with an elliptical partial polarizer and a pure elliptical retarder respectively. Classification of a target is deduced from its polarimetric characteristics (depolarization, polarizing and retardation properties). Experimental Mueller matrices of polarization transformers (media or targets) are provided and analysed by this method in order to characterize the physical behaviour of these optical systems with respect to polarization phenomena.

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