
Optical mapping (OM) using fluorescent voltage-sensitive dyes (VSD) to measure membrane potential is currently the most effective method for electrophysiology studies in early embryonic hearts due to its noninvasiveness and large field-of-view. Conventional OM acquires bright-field images, collecting signals that are integrated in depth and projected onto a 2D plane, not capturing the 3D structure of the sample. Early embryonic hearts, especially at looping stages, have a complicated, tubular geometry. Therefore, conventional OM cannot provide a full picture of the electrical conduction circumferentially around the heart, and may result in incomplete and inaccurate measurements. Here, we demonstrate OM of Hamburger and Hamilton stage 14 embryonic quail hearts using a new commercially-available VSD, Fluovolt, and depth sectioning using a custom built light-sheet microscopy system. Axial and lateral resolution of the system is 14µm and 8µm respectively. For OM imaging, the field-of-view was set to 900µm×900µm to cover the entire heart. 2D over time OM image sets at multiple cross-sections through the looping-stage heart were recorded. The shapes of both atrial and ventricular action potentials acquired were consistent with previous reports using conventional VSD (di-4-ANNEPS). With Fluovolt, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved significantly by a factor of 2-10 (compared with di-4-ANNEPS) enabling light-sheet OM, which intrinsically has lower SNR due to smaller sampling volumes. Electrophysiologic parameters are rate dependent. Optical pacing was successfully integrated into the system to ensure heart rate consistency. This will also enable accurately gated reconstruction of full four dimensional conduction maps and 3D conduction velocity measurements.

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