
Optical limiting by suspensions of Au nanoparticles is enhanced by several orders ofmagnitude with the use of complex plasmonic shapes, such as spined ‘nanourchins,’ insteadof nanospheres. Similar enhancements are observed by changing the material ofnanospheres from Au to Ag. The experiments, measuring intensity-dependent transmissionover a wavelength range from 450 to 650 nm for a 6 ns pulsed laser, are analyzed in terms ofan effective nonlinear extinction coefficient, which we relate to the local, plasmonicallyenhanced electric field. FDTD simulations reveal a large electric field enhancement insidethe nanospined structures and qualitatively confirm the plasmonic trends, where Agnanospheres and Au nanourchins are more effective than Au nanospheres. These resultssuggest that designing nanostructures for the maximum plasmonic enhancementprovides a roadmap to materials and geometries with optimized optical limitingbehavior.

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