
The subnanosecond operation of fast all-optical inverter gates has been investigated. Typical samples are 500- to 800-μm Cd 0.96 Zn 0.04 Te platelets without a Fabry-Perot cavity thermalized around 80 K. Input and output beams operate at the same wavelength. The transmission of the sample is studied around the material band-gap energy ( E G = 1.613 eV, i.e., λ = 768 nm) versus the pump intensity. All-optical inversion is observed, based on a nonlinear absorption that appears below the band gap in the picosecond regime. The best switch energy is typically 3 to 5 pJ/μm 2 (i.e., 0.3 to 0.5 mJ/cm 2 ) around the wavelength λ = 782 nm. From the analysis of the sample transmission under excitation, the possibility of stable operations with a good contrast of 4:1 between the high and the low logical states is shown. An optical amplifier has been combined with the inverter to get an output level as high as the input. The operation of the gate-amplifier stage that is cascadable with a contrast better than 2:1 is demonstrated.

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