
A discussion is given of optical interactions at three types of rough planar surfaces: (a) a deterministic, nonperiodic surface; (b) a deterministic, periodic surface; and (c) a randomly rough surface. The scattering of p-polarized light from an isolated ridge or groove on an otherwise planar metal surface is studied, and the efficiency of exciting surface polaritons in this fashion is estimated. A strong enhancement of the electric field within the grooves of a perfectly conducting lamellar grating illuminated by s-polarized light is demonstrated. Then the Goos-Hanchen effect for a p-polarized, bounded (Gaussian) light beam incident from the vacuum side onto a random metal grating is investigated. The resulting lateral displacement of the reflected beam is negative, and is larger than when the metal surface is flat. Finally, the diffuse component of the light scattered from a two-dimensional, randomly rough metal surface is calculated. This diffuse component is shown to exhibit a maximum in the anti-specular direction (opposition effect) that can be associated with the localization of surface polaritons by the random roughness of the surface. Experimental results showing this opposition effect are presented.

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