
1. We visualized respiratory-related neuron network activity in the dorsal part of the pons and medulla of an in vitro preparation from newborn rats by optical recordings using a voltage-sensitive dye. We measured optical signals from several seconds before to several seconds after the inspiratory phase using the inspiratory motor nerve discharge as the trigger signal and we averaged the optical signals of 20-50 respiratory cycles to obtain an optical image correlating specifically to inspiratory activity. 2. Four areas that were excited or inhibited corresponding to the respiratory cycles were detected. (i) The most rostral activity was in the rostral and lateral parts of the pons, with activity mainly in the inspiratory phase, corresponding to the pontine-respiratory group. (ii) In the midpontine level, inspiratory activity followed by long-lasting hyperpolarization appeared in the midlateral parts. This part was presumed to reflect activity in the locus coeruleus. The hyperpolarization became almost negligible after treatment with the alpha-adrenergic antagonist, phentolamine. (iii) In the dorsal medulla, the predominantly inspiratory activity was detected at the rostral level of the area postrema. This part was considered to reflect activity mainly of the hypoglossal nucleus. (iv) At a similar level, we also detected weak and disperse inspiratory activity extending more laterally and caudally than that of the hypoglossal nucleus activity. This might reflect activity of the dorsal respiratory group. 3. In conclusion, the present optical recording study revealed that the dorsal part of the lower brainstem in the in vitro preparation is noticeably active as well as the ventral part shown in the previous study. This method is very useful for analysis of pharmacological properties, as well as the spatio-temporal pattern of respiratory-related network activity in the brainstem.

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