
Part three of optically identified point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog contains 113 objects. The identifications were based on the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey, blue and red maps from the Palomar Sky Survey, and infrared fluxes at 12, 25, 60, and 100 μm in the region of +61° ≤ δ ≤ + 65° and 11h15m ≤ α ≤ 18h35m with an area of 200 sq. deg. Of the 119 sources in this region, 6 could not be identified owing to the absence of optical counterparts with the given coordinates. For the identified objects we determined their optical coordinates, their departures from the IR coordinates, and their stellar V magnitudes, color indices (CI), and preliminary types. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 8n–21m. Of the 113 objects, 31 turned out to be stars of spectral types K and M, 1 is a planetary nebula, 2 are candidates to be quasi- stellar objects, and 79 are galaxies. A list of the 48 nonstellar objects is given. The identified galaxies include Seyfert candidates, interacting pairs, galaxies with companions, superassociations, etc. The galaxies are in groups in many cases, and the IR emission may be due to heating of intergalactic matter within a group. Finder charts for these objects from the DSS are given.

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