
A performance analysis has been presented for digital PPM transmitted over an optical fibre channel and detected using both optimum and sub-optimum pre-detection filters. Receiver sensitivity calculations, carried out at a bit-rate of 140Mbit/s and a wavelength of 1.3 μm, show that the optimum digital PPM system considered offers an 8.6 dB improvement over a typical PCM system. The sub-optimum pre-detection filters considered were a matched filter, an optimised 3-pole filter and a third-order Butterworth filter. These led to sensitivity degradations of 0.4 dB, 0.9 dB and 1.1 dB respectively. This clearly illustrates that receiver complexity can be simplified without large reductions in sensitivity. In particular, the well known and simple Butterworth filter can be employed with only 1.1 dB degradation in sensitivity. The timing requirements for digital optical fibre PPM have been analysed. An original spectral characterisation of the PPM format using its cyclostationary properties has been presented. The characterisation was used to evaluate the inherent systematic jitter associated with the extracted slot clock. An optimisation of the extracted slot clock timing variance and system wrong slot errors (due to imperfect slot synchronisation) was shown to be feasible in terms of the PLL bandwidth and the PPM order. Frame synchronisation was analysed for an original class of frame synchronisers that utilises natural sequences. The extracted frame clock timing variance was evaluated and the probability of wrong slot errors due to the non-ideal frame clock was assessed. The frame clock timing variance and wrong slot errors were shown to be minimisable provided that the proper number of natural sequences is tracked and the appropriate PLL bandwidth is utilised. The analysis has provided a performance evaluation of the optical fibre PPM system in the presence of inherent systematic slot and frame jitter.

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