
We demonstrated temperature sensing of a fiber with nanostructured cladding, which was constructed by titanium dioxide TiO2 nanoparticles self-assembled onto a side polished optical fiber (SPF). Significantly enhanced interaction between the propagating light and the TiO2 nanoparticles (TN) can be obtained via strong evanescent field of the SPF. The strong light-TN interaction results in temperature sensing with a maximum optical power variation of ~4dB in SPF experimentally for an external environment temperature varying from -7.8°C to 77.6°C. The novel temperature sensing device shows a linear correlation coefficient of better than 99.4%, and a sensitivity of ~0.044 dB/°C. The TN-based all-fiber-optic temperature sensing characteristics was successfully demonstrated, and it is compatible with fiber-optic interconnections and high potential in photonics applications.

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