
The first experimental optical fiber network (fiber to the home CATV and video-phone) was installed in BIARRITZ (France) at the beginning or 1980. Some parts of the first optical links have now been removed. FRANCE TELECOM decided to stop field trial services, it appeared interesting to evaluate and expertise fiber reliability after more than 10 years of aging in a real adverse field environment. In this paper we give a short description of the layed down links, and indicate how we have carefully removed the individual fibers from the cables. After a first measurement of the mechanical parameters using normalized dynamic and static tests, we compared the results obtained with those of the equivalent tests used to evaluate these fibers before their installation on the field. The tests used are the same than those used in the 80 th. In conclusion, the paper gives the ageing results measured on the BIARRITZ optical fibers after more than 10 years of service in real environment and evaluate it by comparison with the results before installation.

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