
The green up-conversion fluorescence of Er3+ ions doped in an nonlinear optical ZnO–Nb2O5–TeO2 glass was observed by using 800nm excitation from a regenerative femtosecond (fs) Ti:Sapphire laser. The detailed analysis on two fluorescence lines at 526nm (2H11/2–4I15/2) and 548nm (4S3/2–4I15/2) revealed the fs laser heating of the multi-component TeO2-based glass, which was possibly due to its nonlinear absorption of the host glass via the imaginary part of the third-order optical susceptibility (χ(3)). The result was compared with that of a Er3+-doped aluminosilicate glass under the same irradiation condition. When the fs laser was irradiated to the multicomponent TeO2-based glass in the power density of 150TW/cm2, the laser spot was heated up to ∼520K, which however was still less than the glass transition temperature (Tg=688K). This technique provides a useful sensing method of laser spot temperature even inside transparent materials.

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