
Twenty-four patients diagnosed with scleritis were selected for this study. All of the patients went through basic ophthalmological examinations, such as visual acuity testing (VA), intraocular pressure measurement (IOP), slit lamp examination, ophthalmoscopic examination, and OCT. OCT examinations were taken by SD-OCT Spectralis OCT system (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). Twenty-seven eyes of 24 patients (7 males and 17 females) were included in this study, who were diagnosed with scleritis. OCT examinations showed epiretinal membrane (ERM) in three patients (12%), cystoid macular edema (CME) (three cases, 12%), diffuse macular edema (DME) (one case, 4%), and serous retinal detachment (SRD) (one case, 4%). OCT proved to be a valuable, non-invasive method for detecting macular pathology in patients with scleritis. Despite the best treatment regimen applied, macular involvement resulting in reduced visual acuity (VA) can develop, which we could detect with OCT since macular edema (ME) is the leading cause of decreased vision due to the damaged outer blood-retina barrier (BRB) in inflammation. OCT investigation is a highly important method for early detection of ocular complications in scleritis in order to prevent blindness.

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