
GOLD-DOPED germanium at liquid nitrogen temperature has been very useful for studying surface behavior.(l) The high bulk resistivity of the material ~10s Q cm at 85”K, permits sensitive detection of surface conductive and galvanomagnetic properties. At the low temperature, communication between the “bulk” and “slow” surface states becomes so ineffective that changes in surface potential, induced by external fieldeffect, or illumination are very stable. This makes possible detailed measurements of surface properties at various values of the surface potential. Illumination(s) of the surface of the samples at 80°K with intense white light produces, in addition to the usual fast bulk photoconductivity, a very slowly decaying component which may be called a retentive conductance, G,. An appreciable fraction of this conductance remains even several days after the light is shut off. Gr may be built up to values several orders of magnitude higher than the initial dark conductance, Go. G, depends on the integrated flux which has fallen on the sample, and may be built up for hours without

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