
1. From our experience in the last two years, we will say that syphilis, especially hereditary syphilis, is infinitely more common than any authorities have admitted or dreamed. 2. That the clinical evidences show the stigmata in the third, fourth, and even more generations. 3. That neurasthenia, the most widespread and common of nervous disorders, is absolutely caused by syphilis, and that it is not a psychoneurosis, but a distinct physical disease of the brain and cord. The psychoneurosis element is entirely secondary to and caused by syphilis. 4. That dementia praecox, manic-depressive insanity, general paresis are only different grades of the disease. Insanity is cerebrospinal syphilis of different degrees, ranging from irritation, mild inflammation to actual degeneration of tissue. 5. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, interstitial nephritis (with but possibly a small percentage of exceptions), and chronic sinusitis, are but symptoms that appear in syphilis. Tuberculosis has long been known to develop m...

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