
Optic disk pit (ODP) is a subset of spectrum of congenital cavitary anomalies. Optic disk pit maculopathy causes progressive visual deterioration and is addressed with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with or without ODP stuffing. We report a case of progressive ODP maculopathy who was taken up for 23-G 3-port PPV, with complete vitreous removal and stuffing of the ODP with autologous sclera and sequential analysis of change in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography RNFL analysis at 1 and 12 months follow-up postoperatively showed total RNFL thickness decrease from 130 µm to 103 µm respectively. Hemiquadrant analysis showed slight reduction of superior RNFL thickness from 142 µm to 139 µm. However, in the inferior hemiquadrant, the reduction in mean RNFL thickness seems to be significant from 133 µm to 100 µm at 1 and 12 months respectively. Sector-wise analysis of the RNFL thickness showed maximum reduction in the inferotemporal quadrant and other sectors seemed to be relatively preserved corresponding to the area of scleral stuffing. Retrospective or prospective analysis of RNFL health of patients undergoing surgery for ODP-M with stuffing needs to evaluated.

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