
Dalit or subaltern literature is protest and rejection of Dalit people. Both men and women were subjugated and tortured crowning themselves as Dalits. I took Here, Mahasweta Devi and Bama they themselves Dalit facing so many problems and gave voice against upper class people. Both expressed how they their own oppressions in their writings. They both expressed how they have been marginalised and tortured by those oppressors the so-called upper class. They both considered as untouchables and they faced many struggles which resulted in cruel rapes, massacres, refugees, and so on. In karukku Bama as a protagonist she and her family underwent as Paraiyar tribe, and they were treated very low. Likewise, in draupadi by Mahasweta devi she is the protagonist she also faced the same problems as she also considered as nomadic tribe. In they faced problems even for their people. They go through problems such as issues of caste, sexuality, political influences, violence, gender oppression, untouchability, hatred, discrimination, poverty, subaltern and marginalisation. They even left their hometown as refugees to India, but she never gives up. she stands as an example to their tribe.

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