
AbstractThe nonfeeding planktonic larvae of marine invertebrates typically lack larval feeding structures. One puzzling exception to this generalization is the annelid clade Sabellidae, in which nonfeeding larvae possess ciliary bands (specifically, food groove and metatroch) that, to the best of our knowledge, have no function other than in feeding. Nishi and Yamasu (1992b, Bulletin of the College of Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, 54, 107–121) published a scanning electron micrograph showing that nonfeeding larvae of the serpulid annelid Salmacina dysteri also possess food groove and metatrochal cilia. Here I demonstrate that nonfeeding larvae of Salmacina tribranchiata also bear ciliary bands identifiable as food groove and metatroch by position. High‐speed video of ciliary beat patterns shows that, together with the prototrochal cilia, these bands function in an opposed band system. The presence of feeding structures in nonfeeding annelid larvae is thus more widely distributed than previously recognized. The presence of feeding structures may make evolutionary transitions to planktotrophy more likely, and may underlie an inferred origin of larval feeding in the common ancestor of one of the two major clades of serpulid annelids, Serpulinae.

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