
In a globalisedworld, innovationis the driving force of the economy. In Poland, the public sector can support innovation to a large extent thanks to the Public Procurement Law, amended in 2016, which introduced a new procedure - innovation partnership. Judging by the scale of public spending, public procurement can become a powerful tool for the development of innovation in the economy. The aim of this article is to examine how innovation partnership can influence the effectiveness of investment projects. The assessment of processes related to the purchase of innovative solutions by the public sector with the use of public procurement and the innovation partnership mode shows that the use of this mode in various sectors of the economy may significantly improve the quality of tasks performed by them. In the study, the model method was applied based on the evaluation of the practice of using innovation partnerships in selected countries and the analysis of the transferability of these solutions to Poland. The evaluation took into account the specificity of public procurement procedures and innovation partnerships resulting from legal conditions and the national socio-economic environment. Weaknesses in the application of this procedure were identified, which cause that the innovation partnership is not a commonly used mode of investment projects implementation, and recommendations were formulated in order to reversethis trend. 
 JEL Classification: O30, O31, O38


  • In a globalised world, innovation is the driving force of the economy

  • The European legislator in the Directive 2014/24 in Art. 2 point 22 presents the scope of application of the innovation partnership for the development of an innovative product, service or works and subsequent purchases of supplies, services or works resulting from these works, provided that they correspond to the levels of efficiency and maximum costs agreed between the parties (Directive, 2014)

  • The same directive sets out three independent stages of the innovation partnership in Article 31: preparation and conduct of the procedure for awarding the innovation partnership by the contracting authority, carrying out research work by a private entity aimed at carrying out the innovative task described by the contracting authority, placing contracts for the results of research work

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Innovation is the driving force of the economy. From the point of view of the state interest, it is very important to develop innovation through the use of public procurement. The innovation partnership offers opportunities that public entities have not had so far It is enough for the contracting authority to define the functions and purpose of the innovation product, and the rest is handled by private partners with experience and scientific background, which gives unlimited opportunities for the development of a given sector of the economy. The state of water management can be a starting point for assessing the effectiveness of purchasing innovative solutions by the public sector using public procurement and the innovation partnership mode The assessment of this procedure allows to show that the application of this procedure in various sectors of the economy may significantly improve the quality of the tasks performed by them and positively influence the economic rationality of the implemented projects. Indication of weaknesses, which cause that innovation partnership is not a commonly used mode of investment implementation, leads to the formulation of recommendations to reverse this trend

The Role of Innovation Partnership in the Economy
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