
Hospice care has been developing for 20 years. In the framework of the high standard palliative treatment hospice care involves symptom control as well as the psychosocial support of patients and their relatives. Developed as a model, the aims of the psychoeducational and supporting program were to reduce the psychological symptoms, form the active coping mechanisms, reduce feeling of isolation and help the communication of the patients treated in the Oncological Rehabilitation and Hospice Department of the Vaszary Kolos Hospital in Esztergom, Hungary. The program consisted of the following elements: analiticly orientated team psychoterapy, creative occupation, physiotherapy, dietetics guidance and oncological consulting. During the model supporting program the authors observed significant changes in both the patients and staff members which had a positive impact on the department's operation and the atmosphere, too. The model program showed that in team work can give beneficial and cost-efficient psychosocial support to patients using the carers' energy in the most effective way.

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