
The article covers the following issues: the development and practical application of airborne electro-optic systems in the civil aviation aircraft. They provide flight visual information for the pilot day and night in visual and instrument weather conditions. The legal documents establishing the requirements for the application of this type of electro-optic systems in aircraft are presented. The classification of airborne electro-optic systems, commonly named as electronic visualization systems is analyzed. The ways of implementing the recommendations in their construction are considered. There have been analyzed the possibilities of systems of different classes: enhanced vision systems (EVS), synthetic vision systems (SVS), combine vision systems (CVS) and on-board vision systems with advanced visualization features, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS). It is determined that nowadays EVS systems are considered to be the potential application systems. In order to analyze the possibilities of practical application of such systems in the issues of flight safety at low altitude and landing, flight experiments of the system installed on a light helicopter were conducted. The research introduces the results of flight experiments on the practical work of television and infrared (IR) viewing channels of a promising typical system in simple and complex observation conditions. Based on the results of flight experiments, a conclusion can be made about the relevance of practical application of electronic visualization systems on board the aircraft to ensure flight safety. It is determined that the systems can be used in flight both for land observation tasks and ensuring a safe flight. When flying the helicopter at low altitude and landing procedures the pilot should use visual information from the rear hemisphere of the lower tail unit by electro-optical visualization system. It was elicited that in the infrared (IR) channel and the fast rotation of visualization system camera located there is a corresponding delay of vision direction and the actual direction of flight. The vision is blurred. In the mode of the infrared spectrum information there appears a filtering problem of interference caused by helicopter engine exhaust gases and snow in the sector of observation. It makes it more difficult to obtain the benefits of visualization systems vision in adverse weather conditions. The conclusions indicated that perspective visualization systems for IR channels require additional use of methods and algorithms to ensure high-definition vision.


  • There have been analyzed the possibilities of systems of different classes: enhanced vision systems (EVS), synthetic vision systems (SVS), combine vision systems (CVS) and on-board vision systems with advanced visualization features, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS)

  • It is determined that nowadays EVS systems are considered to be the potential application systems

  • In order to analyze the possibilities of practical application of such systems in the issues of flight safety at low altitude and landing, flight experiments of the system installed on a light helicopter were conducted

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Рассматриваются вопросы по развитию и практическому применению на воздушных судах гражданской авиации бортовых оптико-электронных систем, обеспечивающих получение информации видения пилоту в полете днем и ночью в простых и сложных метеоусловиях. Проанализирована классификация бортовых оптико-электронных систем, объединенных общим названием электронные системы визуализации. На основании результатов летных экспериментов сделаны выводы о целесообразности практического применения электронных систем визуализации на воздушных судах для обеспечения безопасности полета. Необходимость обеспечения безопасности полётов воздушных судов (ВС) требует развития направлений по совершенствованию бортовых систем видения. Для формирования сертификационных требований к перспективным бортовым системам видения, устанавливаемым на борту гражданских воздушных судов, в настоящее время международными регулирующими организациями подготовлен ряд нормативных документов (RTCA DO – 254, RTCA DO – 178B, RTCA DO – 315 и др.), которые определяют рекомендации по техническим характеристикам. В настоящее время классы бортовых оптико-электронных систем объединяют в одну группу «системы визуализации»

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