
Artificial intelligence (AI) is understandably garnering an increased share of voice in the general and specialized media. The recent release of several generative AI products has added "touchable" context to fears of the potential negative effects of AI-rampant job loss, "out-of-control" AI, and deep fake videos, to name a few. A productive conversation about AI requires the conversation to recognize AI as a very broad and diverse field with "narrow" and "general" applications. Narrow AI applications are quite common and widely deployed today. A fearless conversation can be had regarding how narrow AI can be more widely adopted while allowing for increased transparency and comfort. General AI is more complex and generally leads to what level of government regulation may be necessary (if practically possible). This essay focuses on the application of narrow AI in healthcare and fertility. Pros, cons, challenges, and recommendations are presented for a general audience seeking to understand the application of narrow AI. Successful and unsuccessful examples are provided with frameworks for approaching the narrow AI opportunity.

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