
The development of information technology encourages the emergence of various online transaction activities, one of which is online trading transactions through the marketplace. Currently, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population, which is 87% of the total population who also takes part in buying and selling activities and online transactions. Muslim awareness and interest in halal products is increasing, but there is a need of understanding regarding transactions according to Sharia. The purpose of this study: to analyse the potential and challenges of the halal marketplace in Indonesia using a literature study research method. The results of this study indicate that in Indonesia the halal marketplace has a large market potential and is an innovation in the development of the existing marketplace. Besides this potential, the halal marketplace also has challenges in its development, including the low level of Islamic economic literacy among the public, low inclusion of Islamic finance, and the lack of utilization of the halal marketplace platform by halal MSMEs. It is hoped that these potentials and challenges can become views in determining and developing policies.


  • The development of information technology encourages the emergence of various online transaction activities, one of which is online trading transactions through the marketplace

  • The results of this study indicate that in Indonesia the halal marketplace has a large market potential and is an innovation in the development of the existing marketplace

  • State of Global Islamic Economy Reports 2018/19

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Received: 10/10/2020; Revised: 25/11/2020; Accepted:27/04/2021; Published: 30/11/2021. Indonesia memiliki jumlah populasi muslim terbesar yaitu 87% dari total populasi yang juga turut andil dalam kegiatan jual beli dan transaksi online. Meski tingkat kesadaran dan minat masyarakat muslim terhadap produk halal terjadi peningkatan, namun masih perlu adanya pemahaman terkait pentingnya transaksi sesuai Syariah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis potensi dan tantangan marketplace halal di Indonesia dengan metode penelitian studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di Indonesia marketplace halal memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar dan menjadi inovasi pengembangan marketplace yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Marketplace halal juga memiliki tantangan dalam perkembangannya diantaranya yaitu rendahnya literasi ekonomi syariah di kalangan masyarakat, rendahnya inklusi keuangan syariah, dan masih kurangnya pemanfaatan platform marketplace halal oleh UMKM halal. Potensi dan tantangan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pandangan dalam penentuan dan pengembangan kebijakan

Skor Literasi
Pembangunan Nasional
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