
This action research was conducted to determine the level of reading performance of pupils of Grade-Five Copper struggling readers of Maasim Central Elementary School using the oplan tokhang 30 minutes classroom-based tutorial program. A descriptive-correlational method was used. An adopted Validity and Reliability- VERY HIGH VALIDITY test and Robert Ebels Criterion of Mastery was used to determine the level of performance of Grade-Five Copper pupils struggling readers. The teacher-made pre-test and the PHIL-IRI tool was used to determine the struggling readers and there were 10 pupils who were found to be very slow readers from the 27 pupils who were identified as struggling reader based on the result of the PHIL-IRI conducted. Gathered data were treated, analyzed and interpreted using frequency weighted mean. Result showed that the Pre- Test mean percentage was 18% described as LOW PERFORMANCE while Post-Test revealed 82%, HIGH PERFORMANCE. The increase in the pupils reading performance shows that using oplan tokhang 30 minutes classroom is effective in improving the reading performance of Grade V-Copper.

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