
Opisthorchiasis is endemic in parts of Southeast Asia, including the northern and northeastern regions of Thailand. In these regions, the transmission by fish intermediate hosts has received little attention. We investigated the intensity of Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae (OV MC) in wild cyprinid fishes from five districts within the Nakhon Phanom Province, Northeast Thailand. Fishes were procured from local markets in five districts throughout three different seasons (hot, rainy and cold) between February 2018 and January 2019. The samples were identified, counted and weighed before metacercariae detection was performed via the artificial digestion method. A total of 2,149 freshwater fishes, representing 20 species were collected. The fish most commonly contaminated with OV MC were Anematichthys repasson and Hampala dispar. The intensity of OV MC in Nakhon Phanom was 0.23 OV MC/fish and varied among districts, ranging from 0.07 to 0.52. A low intensity of OV MC/fish (defined as <=1 cyst) was found in all three different seasons in the Nakhon Phanom Province; hot season (0.55), cold season (0.22) and the rainy season (0.13). The intensity of OV MC/fish was moderate (defined as >1 cyst) in the Renu Nakhon district (2.5) in the hot season. By fish species, H. dispar yielded the highest, with a moderate intensity of 2.1. In natural freshwater cyprinid fish in Nakhon Phanom, OV MC infection is endemic with intensity rates varying according to district, season and fish species.

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