
Description of the Approach Railways in the Warsaw Governorate (1911) – An Unknown Document in the State Archive in Warsaw The article is an edition of the source important for the history of the development of the railway network in Poland, namely the Information on the approach railways operating in the Warsaw Governorate (Viedomosti o suŝestvuûŝih v Varšavskoj guberni pod″ezdnyh železnyh dorogah). This document is in the archival collection labeled Warsaw Governorate Government no. 1181, kept in the State Archive in Warsaw. In the Information on the approach railways operating in the Warsaw Governorate, there is data on the public and industrial narrow-gauge railways operating in the Warsaw Governorate in 1911, as well as the standard-gauge industrial sidings of the Warsaw-Vienna Railways. This document is of great historical importance due to the degree of destruction and scattering of technical archives related to the communication infrastructure in the territory of the Russian partition. It contains important, previously unknown elementary technical and operational data of these railways and sidings.

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