
The aim of the research is to analyze the philosophy of 2023 Education Vision Document of the Ministry of National Education in line with the opinions of educators. The research was carried out on principals and teachers working in different educational institutions (preschool, primary, secondary and high school) in a province in the Western Black Sea Region. It was regarded to include participants from various educational levels in the research. SMART Goals technique was used to form the semi-structured interview form questions used in the research.Thus; 2023 Education The vision philosophy was analyzed based on the opinions of the participants in specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, realistic and time-dependent aspects. According to the educators, some of the positive statements of the 2023 Education Vision Document of the Ministry of National Education are as follows: It adapts a human-centered understanding, emphasizes the subject of knowledge and being, supports the philosophy of an education system that will develop the individual in terms of body, soul and mind. According to the educators, some of the issues missing from the 2023 Education Vision Document of the Ministry of National Education are as follows: the boundaries of the vision document were not clearly drawn, problems were expressed but the solution was not mentioned, how, where and how to make the mentioned thoughts were not stated and it is based mainly on abstract concepts.

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