
We present a generalised complex contagion model for describing behaviour and opinion spreading on social networks. Recurrent interactions between adjacent nodes and circular influence in loops in the network structure enable the modelling of influence spreading on the network scale. We have presented details of the model in our earlier studies. Here, we focus on the interpretation of the model and discuss its features by using conventional concepts in the literature. In addition, we discuss how the model can be extended to account for specific social phenomena in social networks. We demonstrate the differences between the results of our model and a simple contagion model. Results are provided for a small social network and a larger collaboration network. As an application of the model, we present a method for profiling individuals based on their out-centrality, in-centrality, and betweenness values in the social network structure. These measures have been defined consistently with our spreading model based on an influence spreading matrix. The influence spreading matrix captures the directed spreading probabilities between all node pairs in the network structure. Our results show that recurrent and circular influence has considerable effects on node centrality values and spreading probabilities in the network structure.

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