
Abstract Information diffusion is an important part of the social network. Information flows between the individuals in the social networks to shape and update their opinions about various topics. The updated opinion values of them further spread the information in the network. The social network is always evolving by nature, leading to the dynamics of the network. Connections keep on changing among the individuals based on the various characteristics of the networks and individuals. Opinions of individuals may again be affected by the changes in the network which leads to dynamics on the network. Therefore, the co-evolving nature of dynamics on/of the network is proposed. Co-evolving Temporal Model for Opinion and Triad Network Formation is modelled to evaluate the opinion convergence. Some fully stubborn agents are chosen in the network to affect opinion evolution, framing society’s opinion. It is also analysed how these agents can divert the whole network towards their opinion values. When temporal modelling is done using all the three conditions, Triadic Closure, Opinion Threshold value and the Page Rank value over the network, the network does not reach consensus at the convergence point. Various individuals with different opinion values still exist.

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