
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is a contiguous disease which affected a large volume of population with a high mortality rate across the globe. For dealing with the recent spread of COVID-19, one of the prime measures was to vaccinate people in full extent. People across the globe have diverse opinion regarding the vaccination process, its side effect and effectiveness. Such opinions get located into different micro-blogging sites including twitter. Opinion mining through analyzing public sentiments of such micro-blogs is a common method for detection of public responses. This paper focuses on classifying the public opinions expressed related to COVID-19 vaccination at sub topic level. The procedure tries to find out different keywords regarding positive, negative and neutral sentences. From those keywords, different related query set was constructed using Rocchio query expansion algorithm for positive, negative and neutral sentiments. Later Extended query set is used to form subtopic using LDA algorithm to identify the nature of the tweets. The proposed LDA model came across with 0.56 coherence score with twenty subtopics, which is fair enough to classify the tweets in different classes. This trained model is finally used to classify the tweets in real time with Apache Kafka framework regarding different subtopic based on positive, negative or neutral sentiment.

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