
Influence maximization is a well-known problem in the social network analysis literature which is to find a small subset of seed nodes to maximize the diffusion or spread of information. The main application of this problem in the real-world is in viral marketing. However, the classic influence maximization is disabled to model the real-world viral marketing problem, since the effect of the marketing message content and nodes’ opinions have not been considered. In this paper, a modified version of influence maximization which is named as “opinion-aware influence maximization” (OAIM) problem is proposed to make the model more realistic. In this problem, the main objective is to maximize the spread of a desired opinion, by optimizing the message content, rather than the number of infected nodes, which leads to selection of the best set of seed nodes. A nonlinear bi-objective mathematical programming model is developed to model the considered problem. Some transformation techniques are applied to convert the proposed model to a linear single-objective mathematical programming model. The exact solution of the model in small datasets can be obtained by CPLEX algorithm. For the medium and large-scale datasets, a new genetic algorithm is proposed to cope with the size of the problem. Experimental results on some of the well-known datasets show the efficiency and applicability of the proposed OAIM model. In addition, the proposed genetic algorithm overcomes state-of-the-art algorithms.

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