
ABSTRACT: The global pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome, COVID-19 affects the world’s economics, social and health systems and has a great impact on every person’s life. In an attempt to control the spread of the disease, regular usage of face masks became an ordinary routine. A large proportion of the population is reporting ocular symptoms through the period of mask-wearing that are still underestimated. Thus the eyes are not only widely exposed to a potential viral invasion but are also under the influence of an additional irritant factor, the face mask usage. The results of our pilot study indicate that the presence and severity of the ocular complaints are dependent on the type of mask and the duration of usage. Now, in the COVID-19 outbreak, the protection of the anterior ocular surface is necessary more than ever to contribute to personal eye health. Based on the concept for the protective role of the tear film and specifically, its lipid layer against the SARS-CoV-2 invasion, all substances sustaining tear film balance and lipid layer thickness could be beneficial in ensuring the local defense mechanisms. Some medications approved for the treatment of dry eye symptoms may have a defensive effect against the viral invasion, which should be additionally evaluated. The topical ophthalmic application of Cyclosporine A, Chloroquine, Azithromycin, Povidone Iodine, Hypertonic saline drops might contribute to local protection and ensure high local dose in minimum systemic effects.

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