
Many bark beetles live in a symbiosis with ophiostomatoid fungi but very little is known regarding these fungi in Spain. In this study, we considered the fungi associated with nine bark beetle species and one weevil infesting two native tree species (Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra) and one non-native (Pinus radiata) in Cantabria (Northern Spain). This included examination of 239 bark beetles or their galleries. Isolations yielded a total of 110 cultures that included 11 fungal species (five species of Leptographium sensu lato including Leptographium absconditum sp. nov., five species of Ophiostoma sensu lato including Ophiostoma cantabriense sp. nov, and one species of Graphilbum). The most commonly encountered fungal associates of the bark beetles were Grosmannia olivacea, Leptographium procerum, and Ophiostoma canum. The aggressiveness of the collected fungal species was evaluated using inoculations on two-year-old P. radiata seedlings. Leptographium wingfieldii, Leptographium guttulatum, and Ophiostoma ips were the only species capable of causing significant lesions.

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