
Emerging fungal pathogens are a direct threat to vertebrate biodiversity. Elucidating the mechanisms by which mycoses impact host fitness is an important step towards effective prediction and management of disease outcomes in populations. The vertebrate acute stress response is an adaptive mechanism that allows individuals to meet challenges to homeostasis and survival in dynamic environments. Disease may cause stress, and coping with fungal infections may require shifts in resource allocation that alter the ability of hosts to mount an acute response to other external stressors. We examined the glucocorticoid and glycemic response to acute capture stress in a population of free-living pygmy rattlesnakes, Sistrurus miliarius, afflicted with an emerging mycosis (ophidiomycosis) across seasons. In all combinations of disease status and season, acute capture stress resulted in a significant glucocorticoid and glycemic response. While disease was not associated with elevated baseline or stress-induced corticosterone (CORT), disease was associated with an increased glucocorticoid stress response (post-stress minus baseline) across seasons. Both baseline and stress-induced glucose were lower in snakes with ophidiomycosis compared to uninfected snakes. The relationship between glucose and pre- and post-stress CORT depended on infection status, and positive correlations were only observed in uninfected snakes. The variables which explained CORT and glucose levels were different. The pattern of CORT was highly seasonal (winter high – summer low) and negatively related to body condition. Glucose, on the other hand, did not vary seasonally or with body condition and was strongly related to sex (male high – female low). Our results highlight the fact that circulating CORT and glucose are sensitive to different intrinsic and extrinsic predictor variables and support the hypothesis that disease alters the acute physiological stress response. Whether the effects of ophidiomycosis on the acute stress response result in sublethal effects on fitness should be investigated in future studies.

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