
Eleidae (‘melicerititids’) are unusual cyclostome bryozoans possessing operculate zooids and mandibulate polymorphs (‘eleozooids’) resembling the avicularia of cheilostome bryozoans. Here we describe 13 eleid species from the Cenomanian-Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous basin in the Czech Republic. Three species of Meliceritites are new: Meliceritites kankensis, M. stillativa and M. upohlavyensis. Reptoforicula gen. nov. is introduced for free-walled eleids with multilamellar encrusting colonies, containing the type species Reptoforicula zbyslavensis sp. nov. and R. vodrazkai sp. nov. Type specimens of three species erroneously assigned to Eleidae are refigured and their true affinities discussed. This study underscores the value of eleozooids in distinguishing between otherwise closely similar eleid species. The Bohemian late Cenomanian-early Turonian eleid fauna is dominated by encrusting species, a pattern that is typical of nearshore localities and contrasts with offshore chalks where erect, vincularian species are more numerous.

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