
We study the scrambling of local quantum information in chaotic many-body systems in the presence of a locally conserved quantity like charge or energy that moves diffusively. The interplay between conservation laws and scrambling sheds light on the mechanism by which unitary quantum dynamics, which is reversible, gives rise to diffusive hydrodynamics, which is a dissipative process. We obtain our results in a random quantum circuit model that is constrained to have a conservation law. We find that a generic spreading operator consists of two parts: (i) a conserved part which comprises the weight of the spreading operator on the local conserved densities, whose dynamics is described by diffusive charge spreading. This conserved part also acts as a source that steadily emits a flux of (ii) non-conserved operators. This emission leads to dissipation in the operator hydrodynamics, with the dissipative process being the conversion of operator weight from local conserved operators to nonconserved, at a rate set by the local diffusion current. The emitted nonconserved parts then spread ballistically at a butterfly speed, thus becoming highly nonlocal and hence essentially non-observable, thereby acting as the "reservoir" that facilitates the dissipation. In addition, we find that the nonconserved component develops a power law tail behind its leading ballistic front due to the slow dynamics of the conserved components. This implies that the out-of-time-order commutator (OTOC) between two initially separated operators grows sharply upon the arrival of the ballistic front but, in contrast to systems with no conservation laws, it develops a diffusive tail and approaches its asymptotic late-time value only as a power of time instead of exponentially. We also derive these results within an effective hydrodynamic description which contains multiple coupled diffusion equations.


  • The nature of quantum dynamics and thermalization in isolated many-body systems is a topic of fundamental interest

  • A generic local operator in this setting has some weight on the conserved charges, and the late-time spreading dynamics of such an operator is described by multiple coupled hydrodynamic processes

  • The first is the “physical” hydrodynamics associated with the diffusive dynamics of the conserved charges

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The nature of quantum dynamics and thermalization in isolated many-body systems is a topic of fundamental interest. [43,44,45] numerically study fully quantum spin chains which cannot be treated semiclassically, and for which no prolonged period of exponential growth in the OTOC has been observed to date (the existence of a fully quantum Lyapunov exponent in spatially extended systems with small local Hilbert spaces and only short-range interactions, while perhaps expected, is a presently unresolved question [35,50,51]) In this fully quantum setting where semiclassical analytical methods do not apply, the aforementioned numerical papers [43,44,45] generally treat the diffusive charge relaxation and the ballistic information spreading as two independent numerical observations that do not interface with one another.

Spreading of the local conserved charge
Diffusion of conserved charge
Ballistic front and power-law tails
Hydrodynamic description
Spreading of local nonconserved operators
Spreading of multilocal conserved operators
Conservation of raising charge
Conservation of spin
Coupling between spin and raising charge
OTOC between r0ðtÞ and zx
Stzot-conserving Floquet chain
Hamiltonian spin chain
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