
The previous (fifth) edition of this book was published in 1995 and since then there have been several major advances in various fields of paediatric surgery. This timely edition includes several new chapters such as minimally invasive surgery for conditions in the chest and abdomen, including the ergonomics of laparoscopic surgery. Other new topics covered are the Nuss operation for pectus deformities of the chest, laparoscopic fundoplication, Heller's cardiomyotomy, pull-through procedures in the neonate, interventional radiology, the principles of bariatric, maternal–fetal surgery and conjoined twins. The format of the book, which is formal, is similar to the previous editions, with each chapter commencing with a brief history of the condition, indications for surgery, position for surgery, incision, the operative procedure and alternatives when indicated,postoperative care, complications together with a very useful list of further reading. The medical artists have improved the effective, simple black-and-white line drawings and few radiographs. The layout of the book is uncomplicated and the text both easy to read and comprehend. The hardback black binding with its only coloured diagram on the cover gives the book an elegant appearance. The authority of this book is enhanced and established by the inclusion of several new authors contributing in their field of specialty and supraspecialty in children's surgery. The two editors have selected contributors mainly from the US, a third from the UK and a very few from other parts of the world. This is sadly reflected in the adoption of the American spelling of words such as esophagus in place of oesophagus, which leads to confusion when referring to the index. This book, as the editors note, is the operative manual of choice for paediatric surgeons though probably limited to the developed English-speaking countries. At a cost of £250 few in the developing countries could buy a personal copy. The other drawback is that there is a dearth of tropical children's surgical pathology. Not every surgeon could afford the luxury of using a laparoscope to view the opposite inguinal opening when performing a simple herniotomy, especially when more than one case is operated on in the day-surgery unit. Could this give rise to medicolegal problems as this is not routine practice in this country? In this edition, a few chapters from the previous one have been rightly excluded as many paediatric surgeons do not currently perform surgery for cleft lip and palate and complex hand deformities. In the next edition, however, the editors may wish to include a useful chapter on the management of adhesion obstruction, a common surgical emergency seen in childhood. With increasing incidence of HIV and hepatitis infections, it might also be helpful to include a paragraph or two in the general section I of the book. There is an increasing demand for evidence-based medicine. Could a book on operative surgery be fully evidence-based rather than experience-based? The reviewers wish to give a star rating of four to this book and would recommend it as an essential reference book for all libraries, practicing paediatric surgeons and trainees in paediatric surgery.

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