
Meteorological support for aviation is an essential element of an integrated system for air traffic management as incorrect meteorological information about hazardous meteorological conditions has a significant impact on the level of flight safety and on all aspects of air traffic management. At present, a number of decisions have been taken at the state level in Russia, according to which a large-scale program is being implemented to develop the infrastructure of the Far North and the Arctic regions, the development of territories, the coast of the Northern Sea Route, and the development of mineral deposits. The climate of the Arctic is one of the severest on Earth. The instability of the meteorological situation is expressed in a sharp change in the wind direction and speed, a decrease in the height of the cloud cover, the rapid inflow of fog from the sea on the coast. Strong winds cause a snowstorm and drifting snow, in summer, under the influence of a powerful cyclone, a sudden increase in air temperature is possible. These natural factors together create adverse, at times extreme climatic conditions, which lead to the emergence of meteorological hazards dangerous to aviation. These phenomena are difficult to predict and significant in terms of impact. Making landing and takeoff in the Arctic, as a rule, is associated with an increased risk. This is due to the fact that temporary aerodromes and landing sites have minimal aerodrome equipment, meteorological provision is almost completely or partially not available, there are no statistical data on weather peculiarities at the place of take-off and landing. The problem of servicing landing sites is the use of outdated equipment, lack or inability of permanent maintenance staff residing in the area. Taking into account the above facts, for effective and safe use of aviation in the Arctic region, it is necessary to automate as much as possible the processes of obtaining, processing and reporting to the crews data on the meteorological situation in the area of the landing site and on the flight route. The article discusses the need to use automated systems for collecting, processing and transmitting meteorological information to inform crews of aircraft carrying out take-offs and landings in the areas of aircraft and helicopter landing areas of the Arctic zone about the state of the surface layer of the atmosphere and the altitudes where icing is possible.


  • Meteorological support for aviation is an essential element of an integrated system for air traffic management as incorrect meteorological information about hazardous meteorological conditions has a significant impact on the level of flight safety and on all aspects of air traffic management

  • The instability of the meteorological situation is expressed in a sharp change in the wind direction and speed, a decrease in the height of the cloud cover, the rapid inflow of fog from the sea on the coast

  • Strong winds cause a snowstorm and drifting snow, in summer, under the influence of a powerful cyclone, a sudden increase in air temperature is possible. These natural factors together create adverse, at times extreme climatic conditions, which lead to the emergence of meteorological hazards dangerous to aviation

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Научный Вестник МГТУ ГА Сivil Aviation High Technologies

Что временные аэродромы и посадочные площадки имеют минимальную оснащенность в плане аэродромного оборудования, на них почти или полностью отсутствует метеорологическое обеспечение, нет статистических данных об особенностях погоды в месте совершения взлета и посадки. Проблема обслуживания посадочных площадок заключается в использовании устаревшего оборудования, нехватке или невозможности постоянного проживания в районе площадки обслуживающего персонала. В статье рассматривается необходимость использования автоматизированных систем сбора, обработки и передачи метеоинформации для информирования экипажей воздушных судов, осуществляющих взлетно-посадочные операции в районах самолетных и вертолетных посадочных площадок Арктической зоны, о состоянии приземного слоя атмосферы и высотах, на которых возможно обледенение. Что временные аэродромы и посадочные площадки имеют минимальную оснащенность в плане аэродромного оборудования, на них почти или полностью отсутствует метеорологическое оборудование, нет статистических данных об особенностях погоды в месте совершения взлета и посадки. Для эффективного и безопасного использования авиации в Арктическом регионе необходимо максимально автоматизировать процессы получения, обработки и доведения до экипажей данных о метеорологической обстановке в районе посадочной площадки и на маршруте полета

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